French Aubusson Gobelins Tapestry

French Tapestry : Aubusson & Gobelins

The Aubusson tapestry and the Gobelins tapestries are emblematic examples of French tapestry art.
These two styles are associated with renowned weaving workshops in France and have a long history.

Aubusson Tapestry Gobelins French Paris

French Aubusson Tapestry

Aubusson tapestry

Location: Aubusson is a small town located in the Creuse department in France. It is a historic center of tapestry production since the Middle Ages.
Characteristics: Aubusson tapestries are known for their refined style, floral motifs and pastoral scenes.

They are often made from wool and silk. These tapestries were highly prized during the Renaissance and have continued to be produced to the present day.

Tapisserie Aubusson Française

Gobelins French tapestry

Gobelins tapestries

Location: Les Gobelins is a district of Paris, home to the Manufacture des Gobelins, a royal tapestry workshop founded in the 17th century.
Characteristics: Gobelins tapestries are often associated with works by famous artists. Designs may include historical scenes, royal portraits, landscapes and other miscellaneous subjects.
Artistic quality and meticulous workmanship are distinctive features of these tapestries.

French Gobelins Tapestry

In both cases, these tapestries are examples of French craftsmanship and decorative art, and they were often commissioned by royal courts and aristocrats. The weaving techniques used in these workshops are traditional and have been passed down from generation to generation.

Aubusson Gobelins French tapestry cleaning

Aubusson and Gobelins tapestries are considered masterpieces of textile art and are part of French cultural heritage. They are often exhibited in museums and cultural institutions around the world.

Aubusson Gobelins French tapestry restoration

Since 1991, a stone's throw from the Eiffel Tower, La Galerie Lissier, MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL UNION OF SNCAO-GA, is a family business specializing in the Purchase, Sale, Traditional Cleaning, Restoration - Conservation, Expertise - Estimation of Tapestries, Carpets , Ancient and also contemporary Kilims and Textiles. We work for private clients, antique dealers, also French and international amateurs and decorators. In our Workshop, we carry out Restoration-Conservation and traditional cleaning work in order to protect your heritage. It is a great pleasure to welcome you to our showroom in Paris 7th arrondissement at 40 avenue Bosquet, where we present to you a sublime collection, as well as our know-how.

To view our complete Tapestry collection, please click



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