High period tapestry at the Lissier Gallery

Haute Epoque tapestry refers to tapestries produced in Europe between the end of the 14th century and the end of the 17th century. This period corresponds to the heyday of tapestry in Europe, and the tapestries produced during this period are considered masterpieces of textile art.
Haute period tapestries are generally made of wool, but we also find tapestries in silk, cotton or linen. They are woven by hand, using complex techniques which require great mastery of the loom. High period tapestries are often large, and they can represent religious, historical, mythological or allegorical scenes. They can also be decorated with floral, animal or geometric patterns. High period tapestries are precious objects, which are often kept in museums or private collections. They are also very popular with collectors, who are willing to pay large sums to acquire them.

Haute Epoque Tapestry 15 16 17 E Century

Here are some of the most distinctive characteristics of high period tapestries:

The finesse of the weaving: Haute period tapestries are woven with great finesse, which allows very precise details to be obtained.
The richness of colors: Haute period tapestries are often colored with bright and intense colors.
The complexity of the patterns: Haute period tapestries often feature complex patterns, which can be detailed or abstract.

High period tapestry 15 16 17th century

Here are some of the most famous high-period tapestries:

The Lady with the Unicorn (15th century): This tapestry, which depicts a lady surrounded by six unicorns, is considered a masterpiece of tapestry art.
The Hunts of Maximilian I (16th century): This series of tapestries, which depicts the hunts of Emperor Maximilian I, is one of the largest series of tapestries ever made.
Les Tentures des Gobelins (17th century): This series of tapestries, which represents mythological and historical scenes, was produced by the Gobelins workshops in Paris.

High period tapestry 15 16 17th century

Gobelins French tapestry
XVI e.s

Haute Epoque tapestries are remarkable objects of art, which bear witness to the excellence of European textile art at that time.

The Lissier gallery, located in Paris, specializes in the sale and appraisal of ancient and modern tapestries. The gallery has an important collection of high period tapestries, coming from different regions of Europe.
Among the high-period tapestries exhibited at the Lissier gallery, we find:
A Flemish tapestry from the 16th century, depicting a hunting scene.
A 17th century French tapestry, depicting a mythological scene.
An Italian tapestry from the 15th century, depicting a religious scene.
The high period tapestries from the Lissier gallery are all in excellent condition. They are woven with great finesse, and the colors are bright and intense.
The Lissier gallery is a must-see for lovers of old tapestries. The gallery offers a selection of high-quality high-period tapestries, which demonstrate the excellence of European textile art at that time.
Here are some examples of high period tapestries exhibited at the Lissier gallery:
16th century Flemish tapestry
This tapestry represents a hunting scene. It is woven from wool and silk, and measures approximately 3 meters wide and 2 meters high. The tapestry is in excellent condition, and the colors are bright and intense.
On the tapestry, we see a group of hunters on horseback, pursuing a deer. The hunters are dressed in period costumes, and they are armed with spears and bows. The deer is surrounded by a group of dogs, which pursue it closely.
17th century French tapestry
This tapestry represents a mythological scene. It is woven from wool and silk, and measures approximately 2 meters wide and 1.5 meters high. The tapestry is in excellent condition, and the colors are bright and intense.
On the tapestry, we see a scene from Greek mythology. We see the god Jupiter, in the form of a swan, seducing Queen Leda. Leda is shown falling asleep on a beach, while Jupiter approaches her in the form of a swan.
15th century Italian tapestry
This tapestry represents a religious scene. It is woven from wool, and it measures approximately 1 meter wide and 0.75 meters high. The tapestry is in excellent condition, and the colors are bright and intense.
On the tapestry, we see a scene from the Bible. We see Christ, surrounded by his disciples, walking on the water. Christ is depicted walking on the waters of Lake Galilee, while his disciples look on in amazement.
These three tapestries are examples of the excellence of the art of high period tapestry. They are all woven with great finesse, and the colors are bright and intense. The scenes represented are all of great beauty, and they bear witness to the richness of the imagination of the artists of this period.

High period tapestry 15 16 17th century
High period tapestry 15 16 17th century


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